Thursday, August 27, 2015


Chie Mihara #2

Hello from California! I arrived here two days ago and jet lag hit hard. It usually takes a couple of days for me to get over it. I'm pretty much zoning out now, but happy and thankful to be here. This year is going to be exciting in a lot of ways!

This shoot is a continuation of the last post with Chie Miharas. I did this editorial with a friend, who is also interested in fashion photography. It was a lot of fun! We wanted to have some movement in the photos and the green Nike cap gives the style a glimpse of edginess. I bought this golden dress from the States already a couple of years ago and I'm glad I did. When I saw it, it made me feel like royal. There was something about the golden dress.

The meanings of colors had never struck me before. But later on I started to pay more attention to them. Most of us are not aware of the meanings of colors or care about what colors we wear. Did you know that they actually release things?

The golden color in general is mostly associated with achievements, abundance as well as value. But it is not only a color of prosperity. At the uppermost level gold is associated with higher ideas, wisdom and understanding. It is said to inspire knowledge, spirituality and a deep understanding of the self and the soul. In the meanings of colors gold is also generous and giving, compassionate, fun, loving, confident and eye-catching. Gold has long been associated with royalty alongside purple.

When reading about the meanings of colors, I realized that the negative side has a lot to do with fears; fear of success, failure and trust. All of us most likely face these fears at one time or another... I know I have. But the truth is that what ever we reflect on, we become. We actually become a mirror reflection to what we behold in our hearts and transform into what we behold. That said, I want to encourage you to step out as well and face your fears. Let Love in. Let's be people of inspiration and see the gold in each other!

Hope you have a golden week!

Intricately yours,


Photos by Ragnar Orav

Shoes: Chie Mihara
Dress: Duro Olowu
Cap: Nike

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Chie Mihara #1

A while ago I went shopping with a friend and she wanted to find shoes for her. I was there to help her find the perfect pair and wasn't even looking to find anything. I did try out almost all of the high heels in the store and only got myself sore feet. I thought I was never going to find a feet-friendly pair of heels. Women look gorgeous when wearing them, but most are horrible for your feet.

I guess it is during those times, when you're not looking, you would run into them. All of the fabulous heels I had tried on were killing my feet. Have you ever felt that comfy or even bearable high heels just don't exist? While walking around the store, these funky, intricate heels caught my eye. While waiting on my friend, I tried them on. They felt great! I hadn't heard of Chie Mihara before, so I was totally clueless. The shop assistant then told that the designer really puts effort on her designs. Her idea is that you don´t need to suffer to feel beautiful. The designer combines comfort and beauty in her designs!

I had to check her out(there´s a lot of videos about Chie Mihara on youtube if you're interested). The designer's attitude is beautiful. She said in one of her videos: "if you put passion into something and you really feel so great about what you are doing, in the end, that product months later, maybe kilometers away, somebody is going to feel the same thing". You might think it was just a sales pitch, but I must say, I felt it. Luckily the heels were on sale! Chie Mihara is a pricy design, but worth it. We should always have quality before quantity, right?

One of my passions is to capture beautiful things through photography. Me and my friend did this shoot. It was fun to model and style. Mostly I'm on the other side of the camera. This was the first shoot with Chie Mihara design and these heels go with pretty much everything I own. So, I got a bit carried away... Next posts are fun as well!

These Chie Miharas actually brought a new flow of inspiration. Who would have imagined that shoes could have such an impact. There is definitely something about when you put passion into what ever you are doing. Just do it and do it with excellence and passion. People will feel it and experience it. For me, I got this creative flow when I saw these heels. It's wonderful when you find something that inspires you - whether it's fashion or fishing - that you get so excited about life and the beauty of this creation! That you feel alive. To be honest, starting something ain't never easy but if you never start, you can´t know where it could take you. Starting this blog has been on my heart already for some time. It´s never too late to dream a new dream and start to pursue your dreams. Just take the first step towards them!

I hope you got inspired!

Intricately yours,


Photos by Anna Bartholomaus

Shoes: Chie Mihara
Pants: Mango
Top: Vintage

Friday, August 14, 2015

Welcome to my blog!

This blog is an outlet for my passion for fashion, travel, photography, all things beautiful and most of all a source of fun! With the words of artist Rodney White: It costs nothing to dream; it costs everything not to. I am a dreamer and I hope to encourage people to dream beyond their wildest imaginations! I think life can be viewed through intricate angles, as a treasure hunt, discovering the gold hidden in ourselves and others. I believe that every dream is a clue toward discovering the hidden treasure and it always depends on our angle of view. 

This blog is also going to be my diary, since I am moving soon to California for 9 months! This site will be full of fun posts of photoshoots as well as anything I come up with. You are most welcome to follow my journey and I hope you will be inspired as well! 

Intricately yours,
